How Do You See Yourself?


Law of Assumption

Love yourself the way you want to be loved

Everyone is you pushed out

Explore how you want to be loved

  • How do you want to be treated? 

  • How do you want to be loved by someone else?

  • How do you want to be seen?

And after you explore how you want to be loved…

  • Are you loving yourself that way?

  • Are you thinking of yourself in that way?  

  • Are you treating yourself that way?  

Only as one is willing to give up their present limitations and identity can they become that which they desire to be.
— Neville Goddard

“Everyone is youself pushed out”


When you understand everyone is you pushed out, you are aware of the reflection correlation between people treating you the way you treat yourself and people seeing you the way you see yourself.

With manifesting love, they’re going to reflect back to you who you are: who you see yourself as, how you think of yourself, what you believe about yourself, and how you treat yourself.  

With manifesting anything you desire, circumstances reflect back to you your beliefs about how the world works for you.

Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.
— Neville Goddard

How do you want to be loved?

  • How do you want to be treated? 

  • How do you want to be seen? 

  • How do you want to be thought of?  

Recognizing what we want to experience is how we start practicing seeing ourselves.

Let’s look at how it translates.   

When you want someone to see you as irreplaceable, you see yourself as one of a kind. 

Are you seeing yourself that way?  

Are you practicing seeing yourself that way?   

You don’t have to fully believe this immediately. You practice seeing yourself that way.

How do you practice seeing yourself that way?  

You start affirming…

  • I’m amazing

  • I’m one of a kind

  • There’s no one else like me

  • I am really special.

You start seeing yourself the way you want someone else to see you.  

Let’s say you want someone to be attracted to you. Or to see yourself as beautiful or handsome. 

That’s how you want to be seen.  

So how are you seeing yourself?  

Are you seeing yourself in the same way? Are you practicing seeing yourself the same way?  

One way of practicing seeing yourself in the same way would be affirming such as:

  • I feel beautiful 

  • I love the way I feel in my body 

  • I am magnetic 

  • I know other people see me as amazing 

  • I am willing to see myself as incredible 

  • l am choosing to see myself this way

Start to see and think about and treat yourself the way you want your greatest love to see, think about, and treat you.