The Missing Piece to Improving Self Concept



Freeing yourself from “not being good enough.”

Law of Assumption

The curious paradox is when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
— Carl Rogers

What are self love & self acceptance?

How to work on your Self Concept

Surprisingly, the most helpful aspects of changing your self concept are self love and self acceptance. 

Self love and self acceptance are practices of first, genuinely loving yourself and knowing you are unconditionally loved. Instead of believing you’re unworthy of being loved until you change something about yourself.

Recognizing that, exactly as you are now: even when you make mistakes, even when you don’t feel like the person you want to be, even if things aren’t exactly as you want them to be… 

You are still fully, completely, and entirely worthy of love. 

Your inherent nature is already love, right now.

Everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves.
— Neville Goddard

How do self love & self acceptance improve self concept?

And why are they neglected?


When we’re focused on manifesting and working on our self concept, we’re primarily focused on change and improvement (often from a belief that we’re not good enough in the first place.) 

We’re focused on becoming the person we desire to be: Becoming the person who has our desire. 

That is important self concept work: Deciding who we want to be – thinking and feeling we are that person now. 

Self acceptance and self love are important to self concept work to help you know that you’re always 100% worthy and loveable already right now. 

You don’t have to earn worthiness and love. Right now, you are loved. 

We may often resist loving ourselves because we’re worried that accepting ourselves (instead of rejecting ourselves) means we won’t change.  

We may think: “If I love myself just as I am… even if I’m not the person I want to be, even if I’m not in the relationship I want to be, even if my body isn't the way I want it to be, even if I have these ‘flaws…’ if I love myself, why would I be able to change and improve?”

The paradox of change: 

The curious paradox is when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.
— Carl Rogers

When we stop “pushing against” who we are, when we stop fighting against ourselves and making ourselves the enemy, change can happen. 

Ironically, when you love yourself right now, you drop all resistance to yourself. And that's when change happens.

Why is it that improving your self concept can happen with more ease when you are loving yourself as you are?

Living in the End

Through The Law of Assumption, we know that to manifest what desire, we assume the state of the wish fulfilled and become the person who already has our desire. 

Everything in your life that you’re manifesting, anything you want to manifest, the end state often feels like contentment, confidence, satisfaction, peace, joy, love. 

Loving yourself (and no longer rejecting yourself) brings you into the feeling of your desired end state. 

Self love and acceptance improves your self concept by shifting you into your desired end state of the wish fulfilled.

The deepest truth of who you are is complete, loved, beautiful, worthy, and abundant, in this moment and in every single moment. 

You are loveable already. You are already deserving of love. You are already loved. No matter what. 

Self love and acceptance bring you deeper into your desired self concept of already being the love you desire. 

It is the practice of recognizing your inherent perfection, knowing you are already loveable, and deepening your knowing of the love you already are.

Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.
— Neville Goddard