Embodying a New Self Concept


The Secret to Creating Your Dream life

Embodying your new Self Concept

Law of Assumption

What are you currently practicing?

Many of us are subconsciously practicing what we don’t want to be.

Overwhelm, not-enoughness, lack, scarcity, and worry. 

We’ve practiced these so much that we’ve taken on that identity. 

We come to think that’s just how we are, and that’s just how the world works. 

Once you embrace that as a concept about yourself, your mind lives there by default.

Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live
— Neville Goddard

How to change your self concept 


In order to change your self concept, you have to practice changing where your mind automatically goes when it’s on autopilot. 

You must practice new thoughts, new feelings, and new actions until they become your new default identity: your new self concept. 

Right now, it’s probably very easy for you to worry. 

It’s probably very easy for your brain to search for the worst-case scenario. 

It’s probably very easy for you to be overwhelmed.

Only because you’ve practiced it so much. 

What would it be like if you practiced calm? 

What would it be like if you practiced beauty, abundance, confidence?

Embodying a new self concept

Embodiment (noun): a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling. 

Embodiment is about who you are being. 

What is the idea that you are being? What is the quality that you are being? What is the feeling that you are dwelling in most of the time?

We work consciously to embody those things. 

Often, our brains want to default to negativity. 

But over time, by practicing embodying our desired state, it becomes easier to stay there. 

You don’t get what you want. You reflect who you’re being. Your life reflects who you are.

If you want something, embody the version of you who has that. 


3 Steps to Improve Your Self Concept

01. The willingness to feel unfamiliar discomfort

Everything you want but don’t yet have will require that you feel new and uncomfortable emotions. 

When you start to choose unfamiliar discomfort, discomfort becoming the new version of you, you change your identity and embody a new self concept. 

Unfortunately, most of us are used to feeling familiar discomfort. 

Familiar Discomfort 

Choosing familiar discomfort creates familiar results.

The familiar discomfort is the discomfort of overeating, or procrastinating, or not following through on your commitments. 

It’s uncomfortable. 

But there's safety in it. There’s familiarity in it. It’s very well known to you. 

In fact, your brain actually likes that kind of discomfort, because it knows that discomfort very well. 

The brain feels afraid of what’s unfamiliar. 

Familiar growth keeps you stuck in a certain identity and stuck in your old self concept. 

Unfamiliar Discomfort 

Choosing unfamiliar discomfort creates forward momentum and new results. 

When you start to choose unfamiliar discomfort, discomfort becoming the new version of you, you change your identity.

Unfamiliar discomfort is what creates your new self concept and your new identity. 

A growth mindset is when you understand that your abilities can be developed. In the fixed mindset, everything is about the outcome. If you fail or you’re not the best, it’s all been wasted. The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing, regardless of the outcome
— Carol Dweek

02. Embracing a growth mindset 

A growth mindset is when you understand that your abilities can be developed. 

Fixed Mindset 

  • Avoiding challenges and giving up easily

  • Taking feedback personally

  • I’m either good at it or not

  • Thinking that others are “lucky”

  • Not wanting to be seen unless you’re good at it or perfect 

  • Thinking “why even bother?” 

Growth Mindset

  • Believing you can learn or do anything you set your mind to 

  • Seeing challenges as fun and believing that they help you grow 

  • Loving trying and learning new things 

  • Understanding that feedback helps you become better

  • Feeling inspired by other people’s success


03. Enjoying the process 

When you fall in love with the process, you’re persistent and devoted. These qualities will keep you showing up long after most have given up. 

Understand that your happiness is not created by achieving the goal. 

Your happiness puts you in alignment with your goal, so you stop delaying your happiness until one day when you’ve reached a goal. 

And watch your goal come to fruition right before your eyes while enjoying every moment. 


Practicing your new self concept 

The Four Stages of Competence 

How we go from being not good at something, to being good at something. 

Unconscious Incompetence 

You’re unaware of a skill or that you lack proficiency 

Conscious Incompetence 

You’re aware of the skill, but not yet proficient 

Conscious Competence 

You’re able to perform the skill, but it requires a lot of effort 

Unconscious Competence 

Performing the skill becomes automatic 


How to Improve Your Self Concept ⟶

Practicing embodying your new Self Concept

01. New Feelings

Practice a new state of being and a new self concept involves practicing new feelings. 

The reason you want anything is because of the feeling you think that thing will give you. 

But things don’t create feelings. Thoughts create feelings. 

In order to create something you don’t yet have, you embody the version of you who already has it. 

Which means practicing the feelings of the version of you who has what you desire. 

02. New Beliefs 

You can’t keep thinking the way you’re thinking now, creating the same feelings that you’re experiencing now, and expect to change your self concept. 

Often, we want to create the result first, and then believe we’ll change our self concept after we’ve gotten the result. 

But you’re keeping yourself from the result. 

In order to create the result, become the version of you who already has that result. 

Your new self concept is a new set of beliefs about yourself and the world. 

When change your beliefs:

  • you show up differently

  • you take different action 

  • different people will start showing up in your life

  • new opportunities will start revealing themselves to you

What are the 3 biggest beliefs of your new self concept?

How will those beliefs change your life?

New Self Concepts 

  • I am more than enough 

  • There is more than enough 

  • There’s no hurry

  • I am the best at what I do 

  • Everything is happening for me

  • Money is easy 

  • I approve of myself 

  • I love making myself proud 

  • I love taking care of myself

  • I love creating my life on purpose 

  • Life just keeps getting better and better

  • No one gets to decide how I feel

  • I love my life

  • Everything is easy for me


03. New Habits

Your habits will either feed your current self concept or create evidence for a new self concept. 

Your current habits are a mirror of the type of person you believe you are. 

To have a permanent behavior change, start believing new things about yourself. 

This requires you practice habits that change your self concept.

New habits require you to create a new self concept.

Decide who you want to be and create new habits to reinforce this new self concept.

Who is the best version of you?

How do you feel?

How do you think?

What are you excited about?

How do you overcome obstacles? 

What do you appreciate?

What habits do you have?

What are you days like?

How are you showing up?

Practice until you become it.