Improving Your Body Image


Thoughts About Your Body

Improving your body image

91% of women are unhappy with their bodies. 

Nearly 70% of adult women report withdrawing from activities due to their body image. 

Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.
— Neville Goddard

Media & Body Image

Changes over time


The Victorian Era: The Corset Years

Full figure, small waist cinched by corsets 

1920s: The Flapper Years

“Androgynous” and slim

1930s-1950s: The Marilyn Monroe Era

“Hourglass Figure”


1980s: The Supermodel Era

Simultaneously athletic, thin, and curvy

1990s: The Waif Years

Extremely thin

2000s: The Buff Years

6-pack abs, toned, and fit

Now: The Kardashian Years

Curvy, busty, small waist, and big booty


What is Body Image?

Your body image is created by the thoughts and feelings you have about your body: appearance, size, shape, height, weight, color, abilities, and more. 

You get to decide what you believe.

A Poor Body Image

Scarcity and Fear

  • Hiding

  • Avoiding intimacy

  • Waiting until a certain weight

  • Settling

  • Comparing

  • Toxic cycles

  • Obsessive weighing

  • Low energy

  • Difficulty reaching goals 

A Confident Body Image 

  • Showing up powerfully

  • Body appreciation

  • Eating and moving out of love

  • Defining your own standards 

  • Taking part in life fully

  • Dressing your body out of love

  • More energy


Body Image Perspective Shifts to Consider

  • Many women with “ideal” bodies also struggle with body image

  • How exhausting energy does it cost to reject your body?

  • Explore getting back into your body through care and movement 

  • You get to decide what you think of your body 

  • First, focus on how you want to feel in your body 

  • You can be free in your body 

  • You get to define beauty for yourself


How to Change Your Body Image


Awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions toward your body. 

Awareness allows you to be a loving witness to yourself: To observe your own mind and its impact on your life. 

Your Reflection

What are your thoughts about your reflection? 

What emotions do you experience?

What do these emotions drive you to do or not do in relation to your body? 

Withholding Yourself 

What experiences and opportunities has poor body image caused you to miss out on? 

What have you been waiting to do, enjoy, experience, or create? 


Making a decision cuts off other options

The decision to: 

  • Accept your body

  • Appreciate your body

  • Support your body 

  • Be present in your body 

  • Choose how you feel in your body 


You get good at what you practice most. 

What have you been practicing when it comes to your body image?

The practicing of: 

  • New thoughts about your body 

  • New states of being 

  • New behaviors in your body 


Changing your body image:

What top 3 changes do you want to have in your body? 

Why? What energy is driving your desire? 

What do you desire to think and feel in your body? 

Triggering Events

Notice the events that trigger a poor body image.

What are your thoughts, feelings, and actions before, during, and after a triggering event? 

What plan could you develop for triggering events?

Your Ideal Body Relationship

What would an ideal relationship with your body look and feel like? 

What would you think about your body?

How would you treat your body?

How would you support your body?