Your Most Attractive Self Concept


Improving your self concept

Becoming attracted to yourself

Law of Assumption

What is Attractiveness?

We often desire to feel attractive.

When we feel attractive, we’re more confident. 

The right people and opportunities gravitate towards us. 

We enjoy being with ourselves.

Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint.
— Neville Goddard

How attractive do you feel?


Where did you go for your answer? 

Some go directly to their appearance. 

Others go to what others have said about them. 

Many look at what the media tells them is attractive (which is constantly changing).

Go within and figure out what you find attractive.

While looks play a part in attractiveness, there’s more to the puzzle.

We are also attracted to people’s energy, personalities, and attitudes.

Attractiveness is defined as: “the quality of being pleasing or appealing to the senses” or “the possession of qualities or features that arouse interest.”

Attractiveness is subjective.

Decide what’s pleasing to you and build your daily life around your preferences.

Attractiveness and Your Self Concept 

How to Improve Your Self Concept ⟶

Attractiveness is a vibration. 

Attractiveness is an experience created by your thoughts. 

Attractiveness starts with your thoughts.

Your self concept is a collection of beliefs that you have about yourself.

If you have a self concept which believes you are unattractive, this means you have a lot of about yourself as being unattractive. 

If you constantly think, “I’m not attractive,” you have selected this self concept. 

Notice how this kind of thought impacts your feelings and how you show up for yourself. 

You always seek what you’re looking for, and your actions align with your beliefs.

You hold onto those beliefs tightly. 

And those beliefs cause you to keep proving themselves true to you, keeping you within the self concept you’ve created. 

You keep proving your self concept to yourself. 

Decide what you think about yourself.

To believe you’re attractive, focus on what you want to see more of.

What’s attractive about you? 

Your eyes, laugh, the way you speak, your loving nature?

What you focus on grows. 

Start from where you are.

Start to expand your self concept by looking for what you want to see instead of beating yourself up for what you think isn’t there.

Actions also spark thoughts about ourselves. 

When you your best self to the world, you’ll think more highly of yourself.

If you throw on the same old outfit that makes you feel frumpy, you may notice how drab it makes you feel. 

Change your self concept by changing how you see yourself. 

To become more attractive, Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Focus on the thoughts and actions that make you feel more attractive.

The Ultimate Attraction

We often look to the outside world for confirmation if we are attractive or not. 

But beauty trends are constantly changing. 

Everyone has preferences for what they find attractive.

Attraction comes from appreciating yourself. 

Walk through the world with confidence. Take care of yourself. Live life on your own terms. 

The ultimate attraction is being attracted to yourself.

This is a decision and a practice.

When you focus on all the things you don’t like about yourself, beat yourself up, and delay feeling good until one day when something outside of you changes, you’re setting yourself up to be perpetually unattracted to yourself. 

But magic happens when you commit to the practice of being attracted to yourself by focusing on what you love about yourself and engaging in behaviors and actions that you’re attracted to. 

The ultimate attraction is being attracted to yourself.

If this makes you uncomfortable and you immediately think, “That’s arrogant and self-indulgent,” therein lies the problem. 

Why is loving yourself so much that you’re attracted to yourself arrogant?

What’s the alternative? To keep yourself small and in a limited self concept?

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, and the people around you, is to do the work of loving yourself.

To be attracted to yourself, you need to be honest about what you’re currently thinking, believing, and doing that feels attractive. 

Be curious about when you’re feeling most attractive.

When You Don’t Feel Attractive

It’s normal not to feel attractive 24-7.

The brain loves to compare.

Sometimes you may spiral into doom about your appearance.

Step 1: Notice your thoughts

Stepping back into your attraction first involves simply noticing your thoughts when this happens.

Are they loving or harsh?

Do they make you feel more or less attractive?

Step 2: Set a new standard

The second step is to decide you’re going to love yourself no matter what. 

It’s hard to be attracted to yourself if you’re beating yourself up. 

Set a new standard you hold for yourself: Always having your back. 

Practicing “I love me anyway.”

Step 3: Show up for yourself

The third step is to assess where you’re not showing up for yourself.

When you’re not feeling attractive, it’s because you’re not in harmony with your highest self. 

Maybe you’re letting yourself down or being your own worst critic.

This is not a tool to beat yourself up with. 

It’s an invitation to be honest with wanting the best for yourself.

Do this out of respect and love for yourself. 

This is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.