Receiving Your Manifestation


Law of Assumption

Receiving Your Manifestation


How to receive your manifestation in your 3D reality.

Surprisingly, many people struggle with actually receiving.

Some may be uncomfortable receiving compliments, uncomfortable receiving gifts, or even uncomfortable receiving help.

When you expand your ability to receive, and start enjoying receiving, it becomes easier to receive that strong consistent flow of love, money, or anything you want to receive.

A change of circumstance happens as a result of a change in your state of consciousness.
— Neville Goddard

You are ready to receive.

Becoming comfortable with receiving


As you move through your life, notice and observe the ways that life is giving to you. 

What does that mean? 

See through the perspective that life is bringing you blessings, life is bringing you beauty, life is bringing you gifts, life is bringing you beautiful experiences.

Affirm that life is bringing you blessings, life is bringing you beauty, life is bringing you gifts, life is bringing you beautiful experiences.

Recognize beautiful blessings and experiences through your everyday experiences all throughout the day:

The cashier at the grocery store that’s kind to you.

Someone smiling at you. 

Receiving support. 

A beautiful day outside. 

Receiving favors. 

Practice receiving gifts all the time everyday.

Notice the ways that the 3D is reflecting gifts, prosperity, beauty, wealth and love to you.

Receive those experiences as gifts, as you are being showered upon by life itself.

Notice that you are being offered love and abundance.

It’s all for you.

Move into a state of recognizing that the 3D shows you goodness and beauty.

You are meant to be happy and thrive in the 3D.

If you start thinking about yourself in this way – that it is your birthright to receive love, wealth, and joy, you’re creating new belief systems about what’s true for you.

What is it like to receive beauty and blessings in your life?  

When you practice receiving the love and abundance that is around you, you receive more and more.