How to Embody Being Loved


Law of Assumption

I Am Loved

How to Embody Being Loved

Embody being loved.

Being the person who is loved by life.

Being the person who is loved by other people. 

Being the person who is loved by everyone. 

Being the person who receives love, abundance, and everything you want. 

Think, act, feel, and move through the world being loved now.

You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.
— Neville Goddard

Embody being loved now. 


This is about you creating your own inner experience of being loved now.  

Amplify the inner experience of being loved now.

Think, act, feel, and know yourself as amazing, beautiful, and worthy. 

Create the experience within of being loved.

Walk around in your life feeling loved.

Remind yourself anywhere you go and anywhere you are that you are loved. 

Affirm "I am loved." 

Get dressed feeling loved. 

Drive your car knowing you are loved. 

Shop for groceries remembering you are loved.

What does it feel like to embody being loved as you’re moving through the world?

What does it feel like to embody being loved as you’re doing your daily activities? 

Practice and become familiar with the experience being loved in your mind and in your body. 

You may notice that you notice that you feel better in your body. 

You may feel that you're special. That you know you're it. 

Bring your manifestation techniques down into your body and explore the full embodiment of being loved. 

Explore the experience of being loved. Feel that you are loved. Think of yourself as loved. Become familiar with being loved. Experience being loved. Affirm that you are loved. 

Engage with life as someone who is loved, abundant, beautiful, and incredible. 

Over and over again, experience being loved within. And watch it reflect out into your 3D reality. 

Those who go seeking for love only manifest their own lovelessness. Do not go seeking for that which you are.
— Neville Goddard