The Key to Your Manifestation: How to "Persist"


Law of Assumption

What “persistence” really means


What does it mean to persist?

Persistence is continuing to experience your desire fulfilled. 

Persistence is committing and recommitting to being the person who has what you want and experiencing your wish fulfilled within.

Persistence is, over and over, selecting the version of yourself who is loved and experiencing your life through this version of you. 

Persistence is remembering that you chose this version of yourself who has what you desire. 

If you are hindered it can only be the state of consciousness in which you abide by that hinders you. You are freed or constrained by reason of the state of mind in which you persist.
— Neville Goddard

The assumption you persist in manifests.


If you stray,

If you forget,

If you waver,

If you get tired of saturating your mind into the state of the wish fulfilled, 

If you skip saturating your mind for days even, 

Do not berate yourself or give up.

But to see results, what we want to do is to continue selecting the experience within of our desire fulfilled. 

To continue experiencing your wish fulfilled.

To return to the inner experience of having what you want. 

To select who you are being moment to moment. 

Over and over again, selecting that state of being. 

I am fully loved. I am the essence of my desire.

Returning back to experiencing your wish fulfilled over and over again. 

Experiencing that love within now. 

Your commitment to experiencing having your desire brings your results.  

Something beautiful about practicing commitment or practicing persistence is that what you practice within becomes who you are and what you experience in your reality. 

Persistence is commitment: Commitment to thinking and feeling from the version of yourself who has what you desire. Commitment to shaping your inner world as you choose.

Persistence is practice and commitment to continue experiencing having your desire now. 

Persistence is continuing to keep thinking from having what you want.

Persistence is staying on the path of having what you want. 

Persistence reprograms your subconscious mind.

When you persist, thinking and feeling from having what you desire will become normal and natural.