You are Loved, No Matter What



You are loved, no matter what

You are loved no matter what.

What does this mean?

The essence of who you are is love itself. 

The essence of who you are is perfect. 

The essence of who you are is already whole. 

The essence of who you are is beauty itself. 

Nothing about You has to change in order to be loved. 

You do not have to do anything to be loved. 

The essence of who you are is pure love. 

There is nothing you have to do to be lovable. 

It is just who you are. 

You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.
— Neville Goddard

Recognize that love is who you are.


Your true essence is love itself. 

You are the pure essence of love. 

Love is not dependent upon your personality. 

Love is not dependent upon any of the things you do or have. 

Love is the composition of your being. 

Love is the truth about who you are. 

Love is our birthright. Love is the fundamental necessity of our life. Do not go seeking for that which you are.
— Neville Goddard

You are loved. You are completely lovable no matter what.

Start connecting with the essence of you which is pure love. 

It is not something that your linear logical mind may understand.

It may simply feel like a sense of peace within.

It may feel like a sense of wholeness within. 

It may feel like a sense of being complete. 

You may only feel it for just a moment. 

That is okay. The more you practice, the more familiar the experience of being love itself will become. 

Go within and connect with your heart. 

To start connecting with the essence of you which is pure love, make contact with your heart center. 

Explore the essence of love emanating from the electromagnetic charge of your heart.

Land in the experience of love through your heart. 

Feel into the essence of your heart where all is love. 

Nothing is wrong. 

Nothing is missing. 

All is love. 

You are Love. 

I am love. I am loved no matter what. There is nothing I have to do to be loved or to be lovable. I am already the pure essence of love.

Start to simmer in that feeling. 

Practice connecting with the essence of love itself that is you. 

If this experience is unfamiliar to you or difficult for you, that is okay. 

Just explore the essence of love itself. 

Practice recognizing your true essence.

And when you do connect with that essence of you that is love…

The part of you that realizes you are already whole right now in this moment… 

The part of you that realizes you are lovable…

Remind yourself that this is who you really are.