How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind



Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Law of Assumption

The material world is just an outward projection of our mind into what we call the world.
— Lester Levenson

Your experience of reality is directed by your subconscious beliefs and assumptions.

What is the subconscious mind? 

The subconscious mind is a repository for everything not within your conscious awareness. 

Your subconscious mind is a data-bank for your beliefs, your experiences, your memories, your skills, and everything that you’ve seen, done, or thought.

Your conscious mind holds thoughts you’re currently aware of in the present moment.

Right now your conscious mind is reading these words and making sense of them. 

Underneath your attention, your subconscious mind absorbs information, compares it against your existing perceptions, determines your memories and values, and even stores past events and experiences that you no longer remember.

It affects every moment of our lives.

Yet many of us don’t even realize it...

You move in a world that is nothing more or less than your consciousness objectified.
— Neville Goddard
ConsciousSubconscious Mind.png

Your perceptions began even before infancy in the womb, absorbing all information and experiences like a sponge. 

Early on in life, without any preexisting beliefs to contradict what you perceived, your subconscious mind accepted any information you were given as true.

Any time anyone called you worthless, lazy, stupid, or worse… your subconscious mind stored that information within for reference.

Any messages about your potential or limitations in life based upon your physical abilities, skin color, gender, or economic status were also stored in your subconscious mind.

Around 8 years old, you already had a solid foundation of belief based on all that programming from people in your life, TV you watched, and other environmental influences.

The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing within yourself.
— Neville Goddard

Subconscious programming is still running.


Even in adulthood, stored messages from your subconscious programming absorbed during early life below your conscious awareness is used to draw conclusions and direct all your future actions.

When you have a new experience that conflicts with an existing belief, your subconscious mind reframes it in accordance with your existing view of reality.

If you have a belief that you’re unattractive, and a person you find attractive expresses interest in you, it will be difficult to believe this person finds you attractive since you already believe you’re unattractive.

Your subconscious senses something is incorrect…

You’ll either reject that person before they can reject you, or sabotage what could have been a great relationship.

When you struggle to achieve goals, a belief that you’re incapable of success impresses upon your subconscious mind. You begin to expect failure and project that belief outward over and over.

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

When you visualize, then you materialize.
— Denis Waitley

Mental Rehearsal & Visualization

What actually happens when you “Act As If?”

Fortunately, neuroplasticity proves that our brains are capable of being rewired and reprogrammed at any age. 

Your subconscious mind responds well to images and absorbs those messages as reality. 

For example, when you visualize yourself performing a behavior, your brain forms new neuronal connections of that behavior. Then you are much more likely to then perform that behavior.

Every thought you think, and every word you speak is an affirmation. If you affirm something often enough - whether it’s positive or negative, it will show up in your life.
— Bob Proctor

Affirmations & Incantations

Whether you realize it or not… you’re always affirming.

Your thoughts are affirmations. Your beliefs are affirmations. Your assumptions are affirmations.

Affirmations just are thoughts you choose to think. Assumptions you choose to have. Beliefs you choose to accept.  

When repeated with attention and intention, affirmations prioritize your attention into the state you prefer. 

Contrarily, if you often believe (which is affirming) that having money is difficult or impossible, your subconscious mind will accept your beliefs and form obstacles in your way.

Growth is transcending your habitual self.
— Lester Levenson

Repetition & Autosuggestion

Thoughts and words get stronger with repetition, sinking into the subconscious mind and becoming beliefs, behaviors, actions, and reactions.

Your subconscious mind interprets repeated thoughts and words as reality, and works diligently to make those thoughts and words a part of your physical experience.

You must control the direction of the movements of your attention. But you must do it with the least effort.
— Neville Goddard

SATS & Hypnosis & Meditation


In meditative, hypnotic, or deeply relaxed states, your conscious mind is idle and your subconscious mind is wide open. 

You may recognize states like this when you first wake up, when you’re about to fall asleep, when you’re watching TV or during meditation: the groggy twilight state when not quite asleep, but you’re not fully consciously alert either.

Essentially, when you’re half-asleep.

During our waking hours, our conscious mind acts as a gatekeeper to the subconscious.

But in a state akin to sleep, your subconscious is most accessible and completely subjective and open to suggestions.

How do you know you’re successfully reprogramming your subconscious mind?

When you desire something and feel confident instead of afraid, excited instead of overwhelmed, and peaceful instead of conflicted… 

You’re getting warmer. 

When you see those beliefs take form as circumstances, you likely won’t even be surprised… 

You saw it coming.

The world is yourself pushed out.
— Neville Goddard