Thought Transmission Explained:


Manifesting A Specific Person

You’re manifesting someone.

Whether you know it or not.

Whether you like it or not.

You’re manifesting everyone.

Everyone and Everything is a reflection of your beliefs.

Thinking is speaking low. Speaking is thinking aloud.

Conscious words and subconscious assumptions are active, living, and manifest what and who they affirm.

Your consciousness objectifies itself into the conditions of your world through your beliefs.

Whatever state occupies your attention, occupies your life. 

Your attention to an unwanted state objectifies that condition.

Your attention to a preferred state objectifies that condition.

Your attention to a former state is to return to that condition.

Disregard appearances and affirm that what you desire to be true.

Results follow as soon as you subconsciously accept the state affirmed. 


All thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions contain intelligence pertaining to their intention and mission.

They persist until they awaken the vibratory correlates of themselves within the one toward whom they are directed. They persist until the object of their existence is realized.

Everything can be transformed. Every thought can be transmitted. Every thought can be visibly embodied.

  • Clearly define your desire

  • Affirm and declare it

  • Feel you desire fulfilled

Now, you no longer seek. You have.

You've subconsciously stepped into the reality of your desire fulfilled.

Now, The Law of Reversibility must objectify what your subconscious affirmed. 

A radio also helps us understand this: 

A radio transmits and receives energy in a "field," a place where changes in space occur. 

There is no separation between the field and energy. Fields and subjects become the embodiment of words or energies received.

Thinker and thought, operator and subject, energy and field, are all one. 

A photophone also helps us understand this: 

A ray of light is reflected by a mirror and projected to a distant receiver. The mirror has a mouthpiece on the back. 

When you speak into the mouthpiece, the mirror vibrates. Vibrating mirrors modify the light reflected by them. 

It carries your speech not as speech but as its mechanical counterpart. 

As the signal reaches the distant station, it impinges on a disc within the receiver, causing the disc to vibrate depending on the modification it undergoes. The disc reproduces your voice.

In the mind, the same principle applies:

The memory is a mirror of the mind, so sensitive a mirror that it can reflect a thought.

The perception of an image in memory is no different than the perception of an image in a mirror.

The mirror of your mind reflects your beliefs and fixed attitudes of mind, which are constantly changing your consciousness.

Your consciousness is a reflection of your mind, projected into space towards who you think of.  

By mentally speaking to the image of consciousness in your mind, you vibrate the mirror of your mind.

The vibration of your mind modifies the consciousness reflected on it. The modified consciousness reaches the person it is directed toward.

Their minds are impacted by it, vibrating according to the modified consciousness, and reproduces in them what was mentally affirmed by you.

Everyone reproduces your beliefs.

Changing your conception of someone is what changes them.

First, you have to believe that they are who you want them to be. And talk to them as though they are.

Words spoken consciously in quiet confidence always awaken a corresponding state in the one whom it was spoken of.

But the moment the intention is accomplished, it ceases to be. And the one in whom the state is realized remains conscious of the state you affirmed.

Recognition of a state awakens it.

Distance perceived by your five senses does not exist in the subconscious mind. Near or far, results will be the same.

The person or object of your desire is never far. Even an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend. As a result of its close proximity, it is difficult to observe with your five senses.

They dwells in consciousness. And consciousness is closer than breathing. Nearer than hands and feet.

Time and space are constructs of thought. The imagination can transcend them and move through psychological time and space. 

The physical distance between you and a person doesn't matter. They are already a part of you in consciousness. 

Consciousness is the one and only reality. All phenomena are formed of the same substance vibrating at different rates. Out of consciousness everything comes, returns, and is. 

All states exist in consciousness. Belief awakens them into their objective existence. 

A friend a thousand miles away is rooted in your consciousness through your fixed ideas of them. 

To think of them and represent them to yourself inwardly in the state you desire them to be, confident that this subjective image is as true as it were already objectified, awakens in them a corresponding state which they must objectify.

The results will be as obvious as the cause was hidden. The person will express the awakened state within them and remain unaware of the true cause of their action.

The illusion of free will is but ignorance of the causes which make you act.

The person has no power to resist your ideas of them unless you believe they are incapable of the state you affirm. In that case, your affirmation returns to you, the sender, and realizes itself in you.

Success depends entirely on you, the sender. Not the receiver, who, as a compass, pivots according to your direction. 

The cause within you, not the subject, if your words are not reproduced visibly toward whom they are sent.

Whenever your fixed idea is not subjectively accepted by the one toward whom it is directed, it returns to you.

Nothing happens to us that is not of the nature of ourselves.

Those who direct a malicious thought at another will suffer the consequences of its rebound if they do not impress subconscious acceptance.

You reap what you sew.

What you can wish and believe of another can be wished and believed of you, and you have no power to reject it if the one who desires it for you accepts it as true of you.

A state must be awake within you before it can be awakened within another. A state you would transmit to another can only be successfully transmitted if you believe it. 

It awakens in you the tone of the affirmed state, which realizes itself in you and in the one in whom you affirmed.

Beliefs awaken what they affirm. To believe a state as true of another awakens that state within them, and also in you.

impress your subconscious mind.png

You cannot give what you do not have. And you only have what you believe.

Giving is believing. You will awaken within others what you truly believe of them.

Before it can be transmitted, it must first be awake within the transmitter.

You are whatever is within your consciousness. Whether the belief is about you, or another, it does not matter. You are the sum total of your beliefs and subconscious assumptions.

Visualization, Inner Conversations, or Acting As If?

Some people are best self-impressed by visual images. Others by mental sounds. Others by mental actions. 

You should cultivate the kind of mental activity where your whole attention is devoted to one chosen goal, until it is possible to direct it all at once toward that goal.

Visual images (visualization): You imagine knowing a piece of music through seeing it, without knowing anything about musical notations. The impression in the mind is through visual image.

Mental sounds (inner conversations): You imagine a piece of music. Except you can read the music by imagining how it would sound when played on the piano. The impression in the mind is through mental sound.

Mental actions (act as if): also reads music and is a pianist; as he reads, he imagines himself playing the piece. The impression in the mind is through mental action.

Visual images, mental sounds, and mental actions are creations of your imagination.

They may appear to come from outside, but they actually come from within yourself.

They move as if moved by another but are really launched by your own imagination.

They are projected into space by the same vibratory law that governs the sending of a voice or picture.

Speech and images are projected not as speech or images, but as their vibratory correlates.

The subconscious mind vibrates according to the thoughts and feelings of you, the operator. 

There is no thought or feeling without expression. Even if you appear emotionless, if you reflect with any degree of intensity, there will always be some slight muscular movements.

Even closed eyes follow the movements of the imagined objects. Pupils dilate or contract according to the brightness and perception of those objects. 

Respiration accelerates or slows according to your thoughts. Muscles contract according to your mental movements.

This change of vibration persists until it awakens a corresponding vibration in the person or object. The vibration then expresses itself in a physical fact.

There is no true influence outside of your mind.

The highest wisdom is knowing that in the living universe there is no destiny other than that created out of the imagination.

Never affirm as true of others what you would not want to be true of you.

Only affirm as true of others what you would want to be true of you.