Shift Your Thoughts, Shift Your Reality...


manifestation explained:

How your thoughts create your reality.

Law of Assumption

Welcome home. You’ve discovered a resource to help you create everything you want in life.

Your physical reality confirms to reflect what you think: Every aspect of your life. Relationships, health, wealth, everything in your experience is a result of what was impressed upon your subconscious mind.

You create your life exactly as you assume it will be, regardless of your current circumstances, with what you impress upon your subconscious mind.

And the natural laws of this universe are so precise that we are able to land on the moon with fraction of a second precision.

Your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. You control from the inside.

Here, you can learn & master universal laws, and consciously create everything in your reality around you, instead of letting reality happen to you.


As you analyze your own belief patterns and understand why you believe the things you do and why you hold these views, many old beliefs may reveal themselves to be baseless.

Although, often overlooked.. Clear convictions are one of the most important parts of creating the reality around you.

Why do you believe what you currently believe?

Many beliefs you've inherited to believe as true date back genetically. From the moment of conception, with your ancestry built into the genes.

Many subconscious ideas and beliefs underlay our awareness without us realizing.

Your mind creates your reality.


Your brain is like an electronic switching station. It controls the vibratory rate (aka “state”) of this mass of energy that we call our body.

You're not your body. You're not your brain. But you do have a brain. And you do have a marvelous mind.

And we can control the vibration (state) that we're in. When we do start to shift our state, we shift what comes into our life.

We're literally magnetized to physical things that match our nonphysical state.


01: Experience your desires fulfilled.

Seems trivial.

Don’t we already know what we want?

Because we’re fed up not having it?! 

That’s the problem…

If you’re still “waiting” on your desire, there are many reasons why we end up there, but often: you may not be clear on what you want, or maybe you’re actually working against them. You’ve yet to become who has what you desire.

Clarify what you want and why you want it. 

Short, simple, clear affirmations that your subconscious mind can easily accept when relaxed is one of the best ways to reprogram it.

When you imagine anything: desires or worries, rehashing memories or future what if’s, images and inner conversations arise in your mind.

You have an emotional reaction to them.

Even get carried away worrying about them…

They impress upon your subconscious mind.

Then they must move into form.

Be sure to make an accurate and specific impression on your subconscious mind that will outwardly project as you want.

If circumstances around you are not showing up as you prefer them, you may need to clarify what you want as the old manifestations play out.

Becoming deeply relaxed is key before you affirm and imagine having your desire.

While relaxed, affirm and imagine having your desire: What would you be thinking about while experiencing it? What would you see? Hear? Taste? Touch? What would that feel like?

Remain relaxed as you affirm having your desire, and allow an image to naturally arise in your mind.

Think from this scene. Experience as many sensations and details as possible. Experience yourself there. Notice symbols and objects arising in your mind as you immerse in having your desire.

As you revisit the scene in your imagination, you impress the state of having consciously achieved it upon subconscious mind.

Focus on what you want and why you want it.

There's no limits, as all possibilities already exist.

Your mind is selecting the reality where your desire is fulfilled and you feed this experience into awareness, in a way in which awareness will experience it.

Awareness is continuously replicating our experience - Everything we're experiencing inward is being replicated outward.


We create our reality by replicating what we're impressing upon our subconscious mind, carbon copying it out into our 3D world.


02: You are always manifesting.

The best part? You are always manifesting.

The worst part? You are always manifesting.

Your assumptions about people, things, circumstances, your life…Anything that comes into our awareness is a manifestation.

Our thoughts and assumptions are always showing up in our lives.

Your assumptions create your reality.

Everything is a manifestation.

What you did today, who you saw today, the specific person who said a specific thing to you. Everything that we have encountered in our life, our positions, who our friends are…

There’s never a time when you are not impressing upon your awareness and expressing outward.

You are always creating. The reality you experience formed from what you've impressed upon your subconscious mind.

What we experience through sensations (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching) filter through our awareness and our belief system before we accept them.

When you experience something, and then react to it, it impresses the subconscious mind, and then it expresses outward.

Start noticing your assumptions coming to pass: Nonphysical is the awareness from which physical is created.

How do you manifest?

Everything is you, pushed out.

  • Thoughts

  • Beliefs

  • Assumptions

  • Affirmations

  • Inner conversations

  • Mental Rehearsal

  • Imaginal acts

  • Reactions

What impresses upon the subconscious mind takes form in your outer reality. 

Intentionally or Unintentionally.


Reactions Reaffirm.

Reaction, in any way, good or bad, reaffirms it. It impresses into the subconscious mind and takes form.

We think of something -> We repeatedly react to it -> It Impresses upon the subconscious mind -> It takes form in our experience.

When our beliefs and assumptions take form and we react… it recreates.

We observe and react to the recreation, which constantly impresses upon the subconscious mind. Again.

Then it manifests. Again.

So we react. Again. It impresses upon the subconscious mind. Again.

And it manifests. Again.

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Often, we repeatedly react to unwanted thoughts and things we observe through our five senses. Which programs it into the subconscious mind. Which recreates it again…

When we repeatedly react to what we do want, we recreate that too. 😉

Repetition reprograms your subconscious mind, and changeS your state of being.

What's repeatedly impressed upon the subconscious mind has to move into form.

When your state of being changes, the actions you do also change. Since your actions change, everything reacts to that.

Reaction alters your conditions, circumstances, and environment, and results.

Then we impress that experience upon the subconscious mind.  

Every single day, you manifest things. Right now, you’re manifesting. 

You can tell what's going on inside by what's showing up outside.

The problem is, we often only react to whatever we have already previously manifested into the 3D world around us that we perceive with our five senses.

Short times, many times, all throughout the day, redirect your attention to what you prefer. For every single situation, always select the positive pole.

To manifest what you want, change YOUR pattern of automatic thoughts.

Build a habit of redirecting your thoughts and replacing the negative ones. Short times. Many times. All throughout the day.

Try it: You can always practice manifesting. set intentions and watch them show up. Write them down when they happen.

When you realize that the mind of awareness is the mind of creation, you will always recognize your manifestations.

Thoughts are always manifesting. 

Sometimes, we forget. When we don’t practice persistently, we weaken our ability to direct our thoughts. Desires take form through daily persistence.

Universal Laws reflect what we impress upon our subconscious mind out into our physical 3D world.

When you want something different, you must change your assumptions.

When your assumptions change, the reality around you also changes.

You struggle to recognize your desire and focus it into form when your attention is focused on wondering why you don’t have what you want and focusing that into form instead.


03: The end is where you begin.

What is it you want most?

Career? Money? Love?

If you already had it right now... what specific kind of thoughts would you be thinking?

Whether you want to manifest a new career, your specific person, more money, a vacation, or healing a disease, anything. The way you manifest one thing is how you manifest everything.

It needs to feel natural. Act like you are telling a friend. Feel it. Not necessarily emotionally (unless you want to.) But the “feeling” we’re going for here is experiencing it like it’s natural. 

The end is where you begin. 

Think from that new version of yourself that has what you want as if it has already happened.

When you have your desire, what would your thoughts be?

We moves in a world that is nothing more or less than our consciousness objectified.

What you assume, believe, and think about with an intense feeling or belief, impresses upon your subconscious mind. It becomes who you are and the world around you.

The power of your thoughts can work against you or for you depending on how they’re being used.

how to stop worrying & keep your thoughts on track

Difference between Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind

Thoughts become things.

Your outer world creates whatever you impress upon your subconscious mind. Whatever you focus on grows and stays in your reality. It is what you are aware of that exists in your reality.

You are endowed with a complete set of mental faculties.

  • Perception

  • Will

  • Imagination

  • Reason

  • Memory

  • Intuition

You can develop the power within your mind to an extraordinary level.

Your outer world reflects your inner world.

An educated person is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated person is one who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they may acquire anything they want, or its equivalent.