Dealing with Doubts and Negative Thoughts



Dealing with Negative Thoughts

Law of Assumption

Your inner conversations & self-talk

You’ve heard about working on your self concept.  

You’ve heard over and over that “circumstances don’t matter.”

But this is probably why you’re not getting what you want.

Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life.
— Neville Goddard

Yes, it’s thinking from already having what you want…

But even more importantly, it’s not thinking against it what you want.

Manifestations = your dominant thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and assumptions


Yes, you might be doing many techniques: visualizing, affirming, scripting, living in the end.

But what thoughts, feelings, assumptions, and beliefs are going on within you throughout the day?

Do you wonder “Where is it? Why isn’t it here yet?”

If you think of having what you want, but believe you still don’t have it… 

Moment to moment, your mental diet needs to confirm that you already have what you desire.

You must think from your desired result. 

Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and assumptions must confirm that you already have what you desire. 

You may wonder, but “What if?” and “What about my circumstances?”

The answer is the same.

Think from already having what you want. 

That means no whining in your mind about not having what you want.

Our attitudes unfold within us in the form of mental conversations. Inner talking (self-talk) from premises of fulfilled desire is the way to consciously create circumstances.
— Neville Goddard

Dealing with negative thoughts & emotions

The Secrets To A Successful Mental Diet

Ask yourself…

Am I thinking from already having what I want?

Am I dwelling in or complaining about not having what I want?

If the thoughts you’re thinking are not what you’d be thinking if you already had what you wanted, then you'll want to redirect them. 

If the thoughts you're thinking are not something you would want to manifest, then you’ll want to redirect them.

When negative thoughts spiral out of control:

When you make excuses for why it’s not happening, it may be a well-meaning attempt to make yourself feel better. But you’re still affirming, believing, and confirming that it’s not happening and why it’s not happening. 

Making excuses for why you don’t have what you want confirms and affirms that you don’t have what you want. 

Making excuses for why you don’t have your manifestation confirms and affirms that what you want is not happening. And that it won’t. 

Identify your limiting beliefs and replace them.

Overcoming negative thoughts

Notice if there are particular topics where you spiral into negative thinking, when your inner conversations affirm what you don’t want. 

Notice when you wonder “Why isn’t it happening? Where is it?”

Choose a few thoughts to come back to over and over again. 

Create 1 or 2 or 3 anchored thoughts that you can always redirect to when you notice that your thoughts start to spiral out of control. 

Return to these thoughts and use them to anchor yourself when you start to spiral off course into “why is it not here?” Return to these anchored thoughts to focus your attention on having what you want.

Feelings and emotions are a result of thoughts.

Choose a couple of thoughts you can believe or get behind and redirect your attention to them when you worry about not getting what you want.

Meditation for unwanted & intrusive thoughts

Breathe deep and drop into a meditation. 

Meditation helps you slow down your thoughts.

From there, you can begin to observe your thoughts with awareness instead of engaging and identifying with them. 

In meditation, your mind becomes more pliable, workable, and easier to change.

It becomes easier to release attachment to the old story, let go of thoughts, and simply observe with awareness.

Circumstances don’t matter

No matter what, persist in thinking from having what you want. 

We can go round and round in the same circle of disappointments and misfortunes, mistaking it as caused by others, not realizing them as caused by our own negative inner thoughts.
— Neville Goddard