in-depth private coaching + custom workshop retreats to help you stay in the wish fulfilled and live in the end so you can manifest everything you want.

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Everything flows from You.

And there is truly no other space you need to go.

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Stop chasing.

Feeling a gap between the life you desire and the life you have.

Fantasizing about your desires that feel too far away to even entertain. 

Worrying… am I Pretty enough? Smart enough? Interesting enough? Will I ever be?

Bullied by racing thoughts, rumination, heavy emotions that take over life.

Holding back, fearing you’ll scare people away by being “too much.”

Flooding your brain with distractions, swiping for fulfillment.

Sleeping in worry and regret.

It’s time to change the trajectory of your entire life.

You are Divinity. Embody it splendidly.


Free yourself from “not good enough”


Look in the mirror and love who you see


Feel secure in yourself, through thick and thin


Create your dream life


Stop self sabotage


Transcend self doubt


Know your beauty and worthiness


Watch manifestation expressions of your love unfold in your life


Cherished. Adored. Appreciated. Ravished.

All are yours to experience.

Not only on special days.


You are Love. 

It’s not something you need to wait for or beg for.

Your transformation comes solely from within.

Not ‘when’ or ‘if’ you hit a milestone carved in stone by someone outside of you. 

You don’t need motivational quotes and cheesy self-help videos.

You are the Operant Power.

Open the door…

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It’s time to finally get what you want.

Immerse in love and allow everything to go your way.

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Are you ready?


Attract the greatest, DEEPest, most EXPANSIVE, ALL-ENCOMPASSING LOVE your life


Feel beautiful in your body


Stop comparing yourself to other women


Manifest love, money, confidence, success, and everything you want


About Chelli, The Creator

Self hatred taught me that everything is self love. 

Like a ticking time bomb, my heavy emotions were so out of control I'd burst into tears at the drop of a hat.

I dragged through everyday, exhausted and rejected by life. My head always foggy with racing thoughts "I'll never have that" and "Why can't you be like her?" constantly tearing myself down. 

I realized I was chasing my own shadow. 

Everything I thought I lacked and wished I had waited for me to stop denying its presence and separating myself from it.

When I stopped separating myself from the experience of safety and security, money continuously poured into my life from my personality, passions, principles, and purpose.

When I stopped separating myself from myself, love from everyone came to be with me easily and effortlessly. Reflecting back to me that love is who I am and therefore love is what I experience.

You already are the essence of everything, but you’ve forgotten that you are. 

Lacey’s Experience

“Not only is Chelli a powerful coach, but her wisdom, guidance and encouragement are SO much needed in this world. I remember feeling so stuck in my life and knowing that I was creating the same situations over and over again, but not knowing what to do about it. After working with Chelli, I started taking control of my life again. I left an abusive relationship, got my master's degree, and launched my own fashion line! Having Chelli's coaching every step of the way has been absolutely life-changing.”

Claim your crown ⟶

Erica’s Experience

“I’ve never been one to write reviews for anything, but this time I really feel like I need to. After my first session with Chelli, I immediately felt at ease. She is kind and understanding and VERY good at what she does. She's literally a genius. After every session I had with Chelli, I noticed a difference in myself and so did everyone around me. I stopped overeating, got back into yoga, and lost 30 pounds! I also learned how to stop lashing out on others when my emotions feel overwhelming. I found the confidence to pick up painting again and found a supportive group of friends who share my interest in art. What I didn't expect was to also attract a partner who loves art too. Thank you, thank you, thank you Chelli! Your work is divine.”

Claim your crown ⟶

I Am Love Immersion

in-depth private coaching + custom workshop retreats to help you stay in the wish fulfilled and live in the end so you can manifest everything you want

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The Sanctuary Sessions

In-depth private coaching + custom workshop retreats to help you stay in the wish fulfilled and live in the end so you can manifest everything you want

  • You’ll begin a profound voyage down the path of self discovery and self creation that leads you to everything you desire.

  • What if experiencing your Wholeness, Worthiness, Beauty, and Specialness is actually the key to creating the life you love? I remember hating myself. I felt unworthy of having what I wanted, uncomfortable in my body, and ashamed of who I am. But everything changed when I stopped rejecting the parts of myself that I so desperately wanted to hide. I’d like to invite you on this journey of freeing yourself from “not good enough”, feeling secure in yourself through thick and thin, and watching your world transform: all as a reflection of you. When you develop an unconditional knowing that you are deeply worthy, exquisitely beautiful, and entirely lovable… the world and people in it will start experiencing you that way, too. Discover how radical self-love is the key to creating everything you want in life: health, wealth, relationships - nothing is off limits. Watch life reflect who you are back to you.

  • What if you could design your ideal lifestyle AND turn it into a tangible reality? Maybe it's working with clients who align with your deepest values so your work has a massive impact on the world. Maybe you're all about spending more time doing what you love and less time doing what you dread. You get to create the fun and fulfilling life you intend. This is how you make it your reality.

  • Uncertainty about your future. Comparing yourself to others. Draining your confidence. If you're having trouble believing in yourself… Discover how doubts and fears support your manifestations.

  • You are already love - but may not be aware of this truth about your divine nature. You already are whole - but do not believe it yet or allow it in your life. You do not have to earn worthiness and unconditional love. Your inherent nature is already love, right now. Interestingly, when we stop fighting against ourselves and stop making ourselves the enemy, transformation can happen. Learn how to free yourself from the habitual beliefs that lock you in struggle and let the process unfold in your unique way.

  • I know that you don't want just any love... You are meant for great love. Deep, expansive, all-encompassing love. You are ready to be the living embodiment of love. And to have that reflection show up in all areas of your life. You are ready to be BLOWN AWAY by love itself. To experience love that is beyond what you have ever experienced before. Land in the experience of being loved and become a magnet, watching love naturally come to you as you open up to receiving your greatest love.

  • You might be thinking… “The idea of self love sounds wonderful. But I do not love myself. Maybe others have self love. But not me.” No matter who you are. 24 hours a day. You may be experiencing unpleasant thoughts and emotions. Aversion, avoidance, and even self hatred. Yet every single emotion, no matter how unpleasant and uncomfortable, is rooted in self love. A message from within. Your deepest wants, innate needs, and desires. The problem for many is that this level of love has always been elusive to them. Which is why they seek it through others. You will discover why fear opens you up to love in all its forms.

  • Today she transforms. Today you find your flow. You are fully seen and heard. You are empowered by emotion, not ruled by it. You rule your mind, body, and soul. A powerful ruler doesn’t condemn her power with unkind words. She allows herself to reign and be happy as she gently exists on her throne of being.

  • When was the last time you felt comfortable in your body? Your body is a beautiful creation. Your curves, your lines, and everything that makes you 'you' is beautiful. It’s time to free yourself from body shame and feel confident in your body’s beauty.

  • Are you ready to experience yourself as irresistibly attractive? Discover why self love creates the relationship and life you want, and how to do it. Find out how to mold your own attractive energy to create your reality (& relationships) from the inside-out. You’ll also learn what to do when you don't feel magnetic or attractive. This sanctuary session will guide you to fall absolutely in love with yourself for the rest of your life, and reap the fruits that manifest into your life as a result.

  • It is time to recognize your inherent Divinity. For centuries, women have been denied access to their Goddess nature, but that is changing. Reconnect with your Goddess nature and awaken into a new way of living. Overcome fear and self-doubt, dissolve limiting beliefs, honor your desires, master thoughts and emotions, and enjoy harmonious relationships by embracing your femininity. Reveal your goddess within and give her permission to unfold, bloom, and birth a more powerful version of herself.

  • Create consistency through ease and flow, showing up for yourself through a sacred practice of being loved, cherished, adored and adorned.

  • Walk through the world knowing that you are the embodiment of love itself. Live in your deepest confidence, delighted and excited as you watch love fill your life (instead of stressed and looking for love around every corner). Relax into and live life as love itself, while love flows to you easily and effortlessly. Wear your crown and watch manifestations of love unfold in your life.


Rachael’s Experience

“I’ve never experienced anything like this. I’m truly glad to have had the opportunity to meet Chelli and be a part of her Immersion program. Chelli really knows what it takes to create big changes in your life. Her support really helped me take more action and move forward with my business. Her coaching sessions are so unique, well thought out, and guided me through a process that is now allowing me to be more confident about my work, my body, and my life. I can’t thank her enough!”

Claim your crown ⟶

Atina’s Experience

“I have been working with Chelli since 2021 and she’s been such a blessing in my life. Her work is truly amazing, I feel like I have learned so much about myself and how to handle anything that comes my way. Chelli’s style of coaching is exactly what I was looking for! She is warm, caring, genuine and supportive. She also has the perfect guidance for wherever you’re at on your journey. After struggling with self confidence and feeling rejected my whole entire life, I’m so grateful to her for helping finally love all of who I am, embracing everything about me, attract the career I’ve always wanted, and fall in love for the very first time with someone who loves me for ME!”

Claim your crown ⟶

I Am Love Immersion

in-depth private coaching + custom workshop retreats to help you stay in the wish fulfilled and live in the end so you can manifest everything you want

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Angie’s Experience

“Chelli changed my life! She helped me see past my fears and move forward to start a business with confidence. Her guidance and encouragement gives such clarity. 'Growth hurts! If it doesn’t hurt, you’re not growing.' I keep this quote from her near and dear to my heart, because it’s helped me and it’s SO TRUE! Chelli is the #1 hype-woman, inspiration, and motivation that keeps me going headlong as a successful entrepreneur and I could never thank her enough! Book now. I promise you, your life will change.”

Claim your crown ⟶

Dianna’s Experience

"You are single handedly giving me the strength to change my life. I hope you know how deeply and wonderfully you affect people's lives, including my own. Keep on slaying! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I could literally cry my eyes out right now."

Claim your crown ⟶

It’s you. You are the magic.

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In-depth private coaching + custom workshop retreats to help you stay in the wish fulfilled and live in the end so you can manifest everything you want


I Am Love

  • 2 private sessions each month tailored to your desires, needs, and circumstances to heal old wounds, and open your heart, and let love in

  • 2 private workshop retreats each month so you can manifest anything you want easily & effortlessly, without exhausting techniques 

  • 2 new personal manifestation guides each month + 2 cheatsheets per month that reveal what limiting beliefs are blocking your manifestations and help you become aware of who you really are

  • Private sanctuary online portal houses your own custom plan to create deep lasting transformation in your life

  • Personalized exercises to dissolve limiting beliefs and let go of what no longer serves you 

  • Continued 1:1 support maintaining your deep potent experience of a life overflowing with love on a daily basis

  • Embody your inherent Goddess and watch manifestation expressions of your self love unfold in your life

  • Cancel anytime